Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monte After winning the Pony Express

                                                                (Photo Above) After winning the Pony Express, Monte & I
Montana is of the Jack Slade line of the Brislawn Ranch. This particular lineage is extremely well suited for endurance, as Montana has proven it. Montana was one of the first very successful Spanish Barb Mustang, who took the Arab dominated endurance circuit by storm. He received Endurance Horse of the Year, Conquistador of Endurance..., (a Championship Award), National Reserve Champion of the Mustang Federation, 2nd Place of the AERC's National Multi-day Championship in the year of 1990. Montana completed 800 miles in 60 days, all AERC races, 750 miles were Top Ten Finishes. Montana was entered and finished the world famous 100 mile endurance ride, the Tevis Cup twice! When he completed it the second time, he was 19 yrs old, and he finished in the top 30%!!Montana is a hard act to follow. He is still alive and well at the "tender age" of 32 yrs. He is my "Soul Mate" and best friend!

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