Friday, November 25, 2011


A year ago, a spunky little bay colt’s world came to a sad and terrifying end, as he knew it. There came the frightening noise from the sky and the mad stampede, all of his family and herd mates were running panic-stricken. The tiny colt, barely 2 month old, kept up bravely, his short little legs pumping furiously, determined not to loose sight of his Mom and his family. All of a sudden they were trapped in a small place and they were separated from their family, and he lost his Mom, and then came the pain in his face…..he was kicked and crowded, and he was frightened and alone, the first time in his short life. He tried desperately to stay alive; something was just compelling him to appear brave and calm. He stayed close to one of his bigger brothers; he used to play with, who protected him. They were forced in a small box and it was noisy and cold and his face was bleeding and throbbing, but he snuggled close to his brother. After a long time they arrived to a strange place….when they were let out of the box, he thought he might just find his Mom, started prancing around and calling, no answer came……his brother and his little friends were with him to comfort him. Then came the next day, when he was separated from all his little friends and his big brother, left alone. He started pacing and trotting back and forth, he was alone, really alone, frightened and his face was hurting.
This was Little Lone Ranger’s first “Thanksgiving”
This second Thanksgiving was much better, he survived against all odds, and his face healed up, leaving a huge scar and dip where the bone was broken. He has a family of Mustangs and a “two legged Mom” here at Wind Horse Foundation! He is a loving gentle soul with an incredible spunk and flair….he likes to show up and mock fight with his new brothers, and he loves his cozy shelter with all the hay he can eat and where he can lay down and stay warm and dry. He loves Mom’s hugs too, and he knows he is not supposed to nip Mom. His new Mom loves him with all her heart, yet she is sad for all the loss of freedom, this little Mustang colt will never know, the way God intended him to know.

Mom is planning to take Ranger to the home range in the Pine Nut area, to visit, when he is going to be old enough. For now, all is well.....

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