Sunday, March 27, 2011

~Ode to Montana~

Snowflakes are falling the hilltop is quiet.
Rest my Friend under a soft white blanket
I still hear your nicker,  a whisper,
Feel your warm breath,
Against my face  I wonder….

Together we had the best of times
A body can have,
You made my Spirit soar in our quest

 So many miles you carried me on your back,
Together we lived  Glory of the Old West
The “Old West” is gone,
Yet we hang on
To the Glory….

Follow the path, along old trails,
On the Pony Express  we Race
You and I win in the Nevada rain

The memory is vivid on the canvas of my brain
We race the desert wind, on  salt flats,
 blue sky above, distant hills on the Range
Our hearts beat as one, as we ride  
With the Warriors of the Sun
Surrounded by  “Ghost Riders of the Sky”
You had that look of Eagles in your eye

Your tired body is gone my Friend
The memory of  happiest times will never end
You gave me everything so selfless
I hang on to your Great Spirit never the less

You are a wise old Soul, taught me so much
To cherish Freedom to never give up

Farewell my Friend, I will see you again
When my time comes to leave
We shall ride again…


....At the summit of the triangle of my heart,
The horse which is my mind flies like the wind....
Astride such a horse, one attains the highest illumination....
~Songs of Milarepa~

Wind Horse Foundation has found it's "theme song"!

Wind Horse Foundation has found it's "theme song"! ~ HELP~It is a stormy day in Northern California. We got the great news that we've been approved to adopt and bid on the 5 yrs old beautiful Daughter of Calico Mtn. Mist, Lightning's mare. ( will post short video clip of her) WHF have also adopted the Orphan colt "Little Lone Ranger" with the help of Connie Hall's generous donation. God bless you Connie! Little Range is waiting to be picked up as soon as the weather allows. At the same time our beautiful little "Ambassador" of Wild Horses, Pie, the Spanish Mustang "Super Pony" has  flare up Laminitis in all four feet! He got his "Laminitis" during his 4 yrs Lease in BC.Canada. he was doing great for the last couple of years since back   home. We are devastated! We would love to carry on with the Rescue operations  as planned, however we have mounting vet expenses, fencing costs, storm damage to our facility. We need your HELP! All donations are Tax deductible for the year of 2011. We are in the process of filing our 501C3. We also have a "Fiscal Sponsoship" through Craig Downer's "Andian Tapir & Wild Horse Fund"!  $1000 and over donations come with Lifetime membership and exciting V.I.P. oportunities. Our goal is $10 000! Anyone wishes to donate, please Contact: Anne-Marie Pinter at WHF: or or PM me at FB to discuss deatails


When despair for the world grows in me

and I wake in the night at the least sound

in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,

...I go and lie down where the wood drake

rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought

of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

waiting with their light. For a time

I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

— Wendell Berry

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our Event Pony And Superstar -Pie aka.Dapple Pie

Pie aka.Dapple Pie, is our Event Pony, superstar! He is a Montana Grandson, a third generation double Jack Slade, of the Bookcliffe lineage. He is the living proof of our theory, that true talent will pass down generations. Pie adores little girls and takes excellent care of them. She had three little girls, that shown him from California to British Columbia, Canada. He received Show and Performance Horse of the Year, 4 times, and in 3 consecutive years. He was the Pony Club Champion of Okanagan Valley,BC. in 2008. In one year he was entered in 22 classes and 18 of those classes he received 1st place ribbons!! All the shows were open breed and well attended with 8-15 horses in the classes! Pie has competed in Dressage, H/J , Pony Jumper, up to Novice Eventing. He is enjoying "semi-retirement" in his home at WWR

Monte After winning the Pony Express

                                                                (Photo Above) After winning the Pony Express, Monte & I
Montana is of the Jack Slade line of the Brislawn Ranch. This particular lineage is extremely well suited for endurance, as Montana has proven it. Montana was one of the first very successful Spanish Barb Mustang, who took the Arab dominated endurance circuit by storm. He received Endurance Horse of the Year, Conquistador of Endurance..., (a Championship Award), National Reserve Champion of the Mustang Federation, 2nd Place of the AERC's National Multi-day Championship in the year of 1990. Montana completed 800 miles in 60 days, all AERC races, 750 miles were Top Ten Finishes. Montana was entered and finished the world famous 100 mile endurance ride, the Tevis Cup twice! When he completed it the second time, he was 19 yrs old, and he finished in the top 30%!!Montana is a hard act to follow. He is still alive and well at the "tender age" of 32 yrs. He is my "Soul Mate" and best friend!

Anasazi was our beloved foundation stallion

Anasazi was our beloved foundation stallion, of the rare and highly esteemed Cerbat strain. He had the kindest disposition, and was an outstanding performance horse. he excelled in two of the toughest equine sports; Eventing, and Endurance Riding. He received Show Horse of the Year in two consecutive years, with a junior rider, and also qualified for the Northwest Regional Junior Three Day Event Championship. A total of 500 horses entered, he finished 5th Place in his respective Division. His Legacy lives on through his last son, El Rojo!
I love this song, and he wrote it for the Spanish Mustangs, after he visited the Brislawn Ranch! Tells about the history of the SPBMustang 

My "Soul mate" Montana, a Spanish Barb Mustang

This is me and my "Soulmate" Montana, a Spanish Barb Mustang, 
who has been my faithfull friend for over 23yrs! 
Together we competed at the Endurance circuit with great success. 
I dedicate my life to saving the SPBMustang from becoming extinct!